It is one of the most commonly consumed fruits on the planet. Speaking in horticultural terms, banana belongs to the family of Musaceae. The scientific name of the fruit is Musa acuminata Colla.
One banana has about 467 mg of potassium. Potassium is key to regulate blood pressure, which, in turn, protects your heart. Bananas have just 1 mg of sodium. Bananas also contain vitamin B6, which prevents anemia and coronary heart illness.

The Nutrition Charts Of Bananas. 



What Are The Health Benefits Of Bananas?

1. Banana for weight

Banana helps in losing weight and obesity. A banana gives you sufficient calories. As 100 grams of banana provides 90,000 calories and manages to fill your stomach as well. 
Its fibers are soluble in nature which incorporates water and eases the pace of digestion thereby makes you fill full.
On the other side, banana is beneficial for those who are underweight too. Banana consists of carbohydrates like fructose and sucrose which gives instant energy. 
When a banana is eaten along with milk, it helps to boost weight gain, that is because milk gives protein while banana provides sugar.

2. Banana lowers blood pressure

Bananas are favorable for high blood pressure patients. Banana is a magnificent source of potassium and has a very little amount of salts, which helps in managing hypertension and likewise bars stroke. 
Because the presence of large amounts of potassium facilitates smooth blood flow to the brain. A high level of potassium also prevents heart attack and atherosclerosis. 
Bananas contain about 467 mg of potassium and 1 mg of sodium on average.

3. Banana for bones and teeth

Bananas contain potassium that not merely reduces hypertension but also defends bones and teeth from softening. 
It minimizes the ill-impacts of sodium and helps to preserve the accumulation of calcium that is required for the free flow of blood, proper muscle contraction and stable nervous function. 
Banana also has manganese that stimulates bone strength and metabolism.  Banana has probiotic bacteria that involve calcium thus desirable for healthy bones. 
Calcium in banana prevents the thinning of cartilages. To grow better and tough bones, kids may be given bananas.

4. Banana for stomach ulcers

Banana consists of a compound known as protease inhibitors which have an antacid effect and inhibit bacteria from causing stomach complications. 
Bananas also aid in the thickening of the stomach layer thereby preventing peptic ulcers. It also reduces inflammation in the inner lining of the stomach owing to the production of mucous.  
Eating raw bananas reduce abdominal discomfort and stomach acidity.  The pacifying effects of banana protect the stomach against ulcers and ulcer damage.  
 On the other hand, bananas regulate digestive functions and smooth the irregular bowel movement because of the presence of fiber. Regular consumption of banana reduces the chances of gastric cancer too. 

5. Banana for constipation cures

Bananas have adequate soluble fiber in the construct of pectin also known as hydrocolloid, which is favorable for metabolism. The fibrous substance of the banana helps in smooth bowel movement. 
Instead of using laxatives, banana is one of the remarkable products that can be used as constipation home remedies. 
Banana is also invaluable in cases of diarrhea where it works to restore electrolytes and aids to bind stool. The rich fiber content of the banana helps to improve the bowel movement. 

6. Banana is good for mood

Banana is a mood elevator due to the existence of serotonin. Changes in the level of glucose in the system are responsible for mood swings. 
Banana, which has a sufficient quantity of vitamin B6 shows soothing effects in the mood. Because of chemicals like serotonin and dopamine banana fights depression and mood booster. 
These bio-chemicals along with tryptophan help to boost one’s spirit.  Nerve cell stimulation is likewise caused by banana and is helpful for your mood improvement. 
Being a natural enhancer of mood, it is also favorable for Seasonal Affective Disorder.

7. Banana for instant energy

Since banana is the stash box of nutrients and a valuable source of energy. Since it’s a mood booster, it is more preferable to eat a banana instead of drinking tea or coffee while somebody is feeling tired or lethargic.   
The healthful and nutritious fruit is acknowledged for instant energy and convenient for all ages.  When the banana gets ripe, it contains glucose, fructose, sucrose, and fiber, therefore the banana is a wonderful source of vitality. 
Banana is likewise an efficient source of carbohydrate; so eating banana provides immediate energy. If you are a gym-goer or jogging enthusiasts, it is advantageous to eat bananas before exercising. 
It is one of the best substitutes for maintaining energy after a strenuous workout. Since it is packed with energy, it may be given to kids for breakfast.

8. Banana for memory

Banana is stuffed with nutrients and favorable to develop and enhance brain potential.  A study conducted at a school in Middlesex has revealed that eating a banana at breakfast, break and lunch; enhances the mental vigilance and boosts brainpower. 
It happened due to the presence of potassium in bananas. Potassium in bananas also help to normalize the heart rate and control the flow of oxygen to the brain, therefore a marvelous brain food and strengthens learning abilities.

9. Banana for heart disease

Banana includes a high percentage of potassium which helps to control the heartbeat. One should eat bananas during stress because tension and anxiety reduce the amount of potassium within the body. 
The daily requirement of potassium within the body is 4 grams, so eating a banana is sufficient to satisfy this requirement. The presence of potassium and fiber in banana control high vital signs and provides cardiovascular protection. 
Being a natural antacid, it also gives relief from heartburn. it’s a wise step to eat a banana at breakfast which can be helpful in normalizing heart function.

10. Banana for anemia treatment

Banana is one of the important diets which will be utilized by anemia patients. Banana is rich in iron which increases the efficiency of hemoglobin, thus a decent diet for anemic patients. 
Because of the concentration of hemoglobin increases, the signs of anemia decrease. Banana is additionally a decent source of the vitamin B complex, which is helpful in anemia.

11. Banana for cancer prevention

A study published within the International Journal of Cancer has shown that eating a banana is nice for smooth renal function and also prevents kidney cancer. 
It's also confirmed that regular eating of bananas, fruits, and vegetables reduces the chance of cancer. Being an upscale source of potassium, bananas promote renal health. 
Banana is additionally rich in antioxidants that prevent different cancers, especially bowel one.

12. Banana for healthy vision

The age-linked muscular degeneration reduces if one acquires the nature of eating fruits, especially banana. Banana is full of vitamin A, which is extremely beneficial for eyesight and eye health. 
Beta-carotene and alpha-carotene of Vitamin A protect your eyes membrane. A survey conducted by Archives of Ophthalmology, which suggested that regular eating of banana greatly reduce the eye-related problems within the older age.

13. Banana for Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Bananas are used as a natural remedy for piles because the high fiber content makes it easy to pass stools. 
The laxative effect prevents any quite strain, thus providing relief and curing hemorrhoids (swollen veins around the anus region).

14. Banana for pregnancy

While not exactly a health benefit, a study published by The honorary society found that the potassium in bananas is correlated with women birthing to baby boys. 
The study checked out 740 women and saw that people who consumed high levels of potassium before conception were more likely to own a boy that people who didn't.
Bananas might also help prevent gestational diabetes. Lack of sleep during pregnancy can contribute to gestational diabetes, consistent with a meta-analysis published in Sleep Medicine Reviews. 
But the magnesium and tryptophan in bananas can help ensure a decent night's rest.

15. Banana for periods

Traditional medicinal functions of banana incorporated its value as a menstruation aid. Cooked banana flowers aid in granting relief from painful and extreme bleeding during the cycle and may relieve other menstrual distress too.

Another interesting and incontrovertible fact about bananas is that they're radioactive. Actually, it might be more correct to mention that they have a higher radioactivity level than most foods because of the potassium in them. Don’t worry though! You won’t start glowing within the dark any time soon from eating too many bananas. These are the most health benefits of bananas.

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